Re: Anyone working on Collision Detection yet?

Art Yerkes (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 19:08:25 -0500

> From Fri Oct 20 18:31 CDT 1995
> Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 12:31:16 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Braddock <>
> X-Sender:
> To: Vassilis Bourdakis <>
> Cc: VRML-Mailing List <>
> Subject: Re: Anyone working on Collision Detection yet?
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > as tme subject says, I'd just like to know what is tme status
> > of work done on collision detection.
> > It seems that there are many proposals on various behaviour
> > aspects, but not a lot of discussion on collision detection.
> > I don't know if some of you consider it a bahaviour as well
> > (not me though) but I think it is something that could be
> > achieved easier (in terms of specification that is) than
> > behaviours and I feel that it is equally important!
> CONCEPTUALLY it really is the same as behaviors. The only
> difference is that it really needs to be fast (not scripted, well
> integrated).

This is probably the best deffinition of collision. Which brings up another
point, some are talking about collision as a behavior of objects. How do the
objects communicate their position to each other?

Possible models:

1 Object "a" polls moving objects to see if they collided with it.
2 Object "a" makes a bounding box check of each object, followed by (1)
if a collision occurred.
3 Object "a" knows where other objects are going to move, and plans
a collision with another object.

Another issue I might raise is about collision in hirearchial models, which
may make for some messy mathematics, and long computations.


Two knights fighting in an interactive game.

(Knight in armor) owns (knight arm) owns (knight hand) owns (sword)
colliding with:
(Knight in armor) owns (knight hsad).

(A typical occurrence in such a game)

The natural question to answer first (in my opinion), is should
collision detection be a behavior of the two nights, using their
own specialized algorithm, or should a general algorithm be
evaluated for the nights, or for their parts.

> My suggestion for an approach to behaviors which are common and must be
> FAST: Get the behavior very standardized and implimentable as scripts.
> At this point browser writers, to improve their browser performace,
> should internalize the behavior code, allowing it to bypass the API when
> accessing the accessable scene-graph and run as fast compiled code.

Collision detection should not be scripted (IMHO).

> HOWEVER, I think the general framework for VRML should not limit it to
> mearly sharing data representing 3D physical spaces. No reason why the
> same standard suite can't be used for whiteboarding and conferencing, etc.

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