Re: ADMIN: www-vrml mitosis

Braddock (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 14:58:05 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Mark Pesce wrote:
> Some individuals find the mail traffic too heavy; this has happened before.
> We're not about to change www-vrml. It will remain the forum for the design
> of the language. However, the world-builders alesady have their own list;
> so do the behaviors folks.

Could someone please post subscription information for these other vrml
lists? Someone posted the newsgroup name, which was good, but I and I'm
sure many others haven't seen any information on these other mailing lists.


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"We are here for no purpose, 3209 N. Charles St. Apt. 3A
unless we can invent one. Baltimore, MD, 21218
Of that I am sure." (410) 467-3380
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