Re: Anyone working on Collision Detection yet?
Vassilis Bourdakis (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 22:33:30 +0000
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Braddock: "Re: Anyone working on Collision Detection yet?"
Braddock wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > as tme subject says, I'd just like to know what is tme status
> > of work done on collision detection.
> > It seems that there are many proposals on various behaviour
> > aspects, but not a lot of discussion on collision detection.
> > I don't know if some of you consider it a bahaviour as well
> > (not me though) but I think it is something that could be
> > achieved easier (in terms of specification that is) than
> > behaviours and I feel that it is equally important!
> CONCEPTUALLY it really is the same as behaviors. The only
> difference is that it really needs to be fast (not scripted, well
> integrated).
Which basically brings us back to my question.
IMHO we need something that will be agreed and implemented
on the browser level (maybe using special nodes to define the
actuall geometry that will be considered in collision detection)
Maybe we could have something like levels of collision accuracy
as in Levels of Detail. Where a slow M$ windows browser could
be considering a very rough set of faces and a high power
implementation could check the whole world.
Adding constant height of travelling above (a defined) landscape
would be an added bonus for the type of work I'm doing.
> -Braddock
--- --- ---- ---- ----
Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis ---- ---- ----- -----
Tel +44 (0)1225 826475 CASA, Bath University
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Claude L. Bullard: "Plea From Peanut Gallery"
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Anyone working on Collision Detection yet?"
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Braddock: "Re: Anyone working on Collision Detection yet?"