Re: DIS Behaviors

Luke Hoffman (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 18:36:04 -0500

Bernie Roehl writes:
>In fact, it applies quite well; however, as I've mentioned in the past, I
>have some reservations about DIS itself. I think we should be inspired
>by it, not adopt it.

I agree. I think there are number of things in DIS that can be excluded and
some other things that need to be included. For example, sharing shape
information as objects get introduced dynamically into the virtual world.
But I think it'll make a good starting point for object state sharing.

Also, there's no reason DIS can't be used right now with VRML for military

>> Last time I looked there were 26 different types of PDUs.
>... which is one of my objections ...
Is it the number of PDUs or the fact that so many of them are useful only
for a specific application (i.e. military)?

Bernie Roehl:
>... and there's another one. Tesating any moving part as tme conceptual
>equivalent of a tank turret may not be the best design.
I haven't done enough object modeling to have a feel for what the best way
to do this is.

There was a good article in IEEE Computer graphics in September that covered
a lot of these issues: "Exploiting Reality with Multicast Groups" from the
folks at the Naval Post Graduate School I think I'll go reesad it.

Luke Hoffman Voice: (205)922-1512x1157
COLSA Corporation FAX: (205)971-0002
6726 Odyssey Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35806

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