Re: Question: SFimage X-lators?

Michael Pichler (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 20:15:32 +0100

>>>>> "C" == Cranz Gregory <> writes:
C> [...] I was wondering is anyone has bothered to make a translator program
C> to convert GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PICT, etc. files into SFimage files? Then it
C> would be a simple matter to cut & paste them into your nodes with a text
C> editor.

I just wrote a small converter for PPM images to SFImage. PPM is a
very popular graphics exchange format, many programs can convert to
(at least under Unix).

I put the C source code and an example world (with a texture cesated
this way) onto

Note: the ftp directory is mirrored to all sites where you can
download VRweb (see URL in 'sig).

C> Oh & what kind of compression ratios does GZIP get with a SFimage table? Is
C> it decent? I mean, it's tabular hexidecimal data right, shouldn't that be
C> just the sort of thing that compression algorythms were cesated for?

The example file was a 3.8 KB gif, and produced a 5.3 KB world,
gzipped to 739 Bytes (ratio of 87 %). This may be not a typical
example as it containes a number of black pixels.
So keep in mind that this way is only appropriate for small logos.


| DI Michael Pichler ______ |
| IICM, Graz Univ. of Technology / / Tel: +43-316-873-5636 |
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