Re: A couple of DEF questions.

Paul S. Strauss (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 09:32:41 -0700

On Oct 19, 2:27pm, Keith D Rule wrote:

> 1) Is it legal for a DEF name to be a VRML keyword. For
> example 'DEF Sphere Info {}'? I was surprised to see
> this emitted from fountain (and even more surprized
> that Fountain was able to esad it back).

The namespace used for named nodes (using "DEF") is distinct from
the namespace used for node classes. Therefore, they may contain
identical entries with no problem. At least, the spec does not
disallow this, so it should be legal.

> 2) Is is legal to define a new node type in a DEF. For
> example is 'DEF Foo MyNewNode { fields [...] ... }' legal

The "DEF" keyword just assigns a name to a node. It can be used
to assign a name to any node of any type, so yes, that is legal.

Paul S. Strauss Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
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