Hardware/Telephone lines

The Maxx (Pub00070@innet.lu)
Fri, 20 Oct 95 19:06:16 -0000 (WET)

I would just like too now what kind of Hardware and Speed anybody
would tell as a reasonable one for VRML.
I'm considiring designing a WWW-VRML page for a firm. But
since tme average user only has 14.400, maybe 28.800 ( and that the
firm want something which will be accesible by all average users ) I
would like to be able to analyse the situation before going in to
something as big.
Thanks in advance
David Hjortso
- Http://www.club.innet.lu/~pub00070/ -
- David Hjortsoe -
- Maxx@innet.lu -

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