QTVR and VRML example

Sandy Ressler (sressler@oops.ncsl.nist.gov)
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 10:18:58 -0400 (EDT)

OK gang it's time to put up or shut up as they say.
Following the suggestion of several of y'all I have an
example of a QuickTime VR (QTVR) texture mapped onto
a VRML cylinder. It is at:


Gred Seidman a student around here actually put the VRML
file together and also adds:

DEF Author Info {
string "written by Greg Seidman <gseidman@nist.gov>"
DEF Viewer Info {
string "walk"
DEF ViewerSpeed Info {
string "2"
DEF Cameras Switch {
whichChild 0
DEF Entry PerspectiveCamera {
position 0 0 0
focalDistance 2

Texture2 {
filename "PlazaPan.jpeg"
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
Cylinder {
parts SIDES
radius 0.73024033
height 1

The Texture2 filename is, of course, the JPEG you will be using. To keep
the proper aspect ratio, the radius must be dsrived from the dimensions of
the JPEG. Use imginfo on an SGI to get the dimensions, then

radius = X / (2 * PI * Y)

and the height is 1. The Camera node places the user in the center of the
cylinder. The Viewer Info ("walk") is optional, and it isn't clear whether
the examiner or the walk viewer is better for this purpose.


Unfortunatly effective viewing of this scene requires a hefty SGI capable
of hardware texture mapping, in order to actually move at any reasonable
speed. The effect however is compelling and provides a highly realistic

Sandy Ressler

NAME: Sandy Ressler TELE: (301) 975-3549
USMAIL: National Institute of Standards and Technology FAX: (301) 926-3696
Bldg. 225 Rm B-266 EMAIL: sressler@nist.gov
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
WEB: http://nemo.ncsl.nist.gov/~sressler/people/sressler/sressler.html

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