Re: Wasting bandwith about: Re: bandwidth wasting :-)
James Waldrop (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 01:49:58 -0700
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>One thing though (possibly a new thesad!), I am not sure that many of the
>things being discussed here will ever happen. At the moment, VRML is a fancy
>way to navigate the WWW, nothing more. All this discussion of building
>distributed worlds with behavoural extensions seems a bit far fetched....
And there is no reason anyone would ever want to have a computer in
their home, either, is there?
One of the easiest ways to predict the future is to look at the past.
Of course we all have our filters, but very few people would argue
that computers are increasingly more networked, that network
communication is one of the fastest growing technologies of all
time, and that people won't go to almost any lengths to talk to
each other. All these things suggest to me that what you consider
far fetched is right around the corner.
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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Olof Hagsand: "Re: Wasting bandwith about: Re: bandwidth wasting :-)"
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