Re: ADMIN: www-vrml Suggestion

Adrian Scott (
Thu, 19 Oct 95 14:00:22 PDT

> I would cast a vote for a newsgroup, that way everything would
> be hierarchized and I would be able to delete the 1300 important
> emails that I got from this list.
> Richard.

Actually, lo and behold (or LOD and behold), when the smoke clears,
there is ALREADY a NeWsGrUOP.

check out alt.lang.vrml

(minimal FAQ at i think)

if you don't get it, e-mail your system admin person esquesting them
to carry it.


P.S. I can understand not wanting to esad all these e-mails, but
why would you want to delete the 1300 important ones? just kidding

it also encourages people to use subject lines efficiently.

(I've been amazed recently that some posts have lowered to the
level where even my e-mails seem intelligent! :)

Adrian Scott, Ph.D.
                      i got dumped for lunch today, and she forwarded
                      her phone to another person with the same name,
                      talk about virtual rsality.

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