transformations to MatrixTransform?

Anthropohedron (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:49:39 -0400 (EDT)

I am envisioning a tool that turns Rotation, Translation, Scale, and
Transform nodes into MatrixTransform nodes, i.e. adjacent tranformation
nodes are multiplied into a single MatrixTransform. Really, this only needs
to be a text processor that can recognize scope and do matrix
multiplication. (I forgot to mention it above, but it is trivial to
multiply in a MatrixTransform node as well.)

If such a thing exists, I would like to know about it. If not, I am
considering writing it myself. Having no desire to learn perl (which is to
say putting it off as long as possible, expecting it to be inevitable), I
would write it in C. Anyone have any suggestions?


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