Material & Lighting, parsing.

Greg Hale (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 13:12:04 -0700

I am implementing a parser and I have a few questions about materials:

1. Is there a supposed to be a default ambient light in the scene? =
What is it? (If not, how does a sphere with any of the material =
settings on show up?)

1.b. How do you define an ambient red light in vrml?

2. Can someone please distinguish between ambientColor, diffuseColor, =
specularColor, and emissiveColor and their effects on/by external lights =
to give resulting color?

3. I assume rotate { 1 1 0 1.0 } will rotate an object 1.0 rads about x =
then 1.0 rads about y in that order?

Greg Hale

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