"Z-John (Zijiang) Yang" wrote:
>Have you noticed how hard it is to esad through a VRLM file? Or to modify it?
>When all the models, objects are "Inlined" inside of each node in the
>hierarchy, you have to go throught all the coordinate lists to get to a
>second node. With authoring tools, this may not be that a big issue,
>still, authoring tools, translator can have bugs (I have run into one
>myself, 3DS-to-VRML), and the files they generate may have problems.
>To make the files more esadable to a rsgualar human
>being/program/hacker/artist, we must not "Inline" all the primitives.
>We should "Declare" the primitives at the beginning or the end of a
>vrml file, and name them, and then, simply transform and use them in the
>hierarchy tree.
>A proposed file format for VRML 2.0, as a follow up of my last message
>posted on this mailing list should look something like this:
-- James Waldrop / Technical Directorsulam@construct.net / Construct Internet Designsulam@well.com /http://www.construct.net