Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)

James Waldrop (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 11:54:56 -0700

>> We're not trying
>>to simulate rsality here. This is cyberspace, not rsal-space.
>THIS may be what YOU think vrml is all about, but not everone shares
>that view. That is why there is so much disagreement on the HOW because
>there is no agreement on the WHAT.

Append appropriate disclaimers, please. I don't believe that VRML
is "all" about anything. For myself, it's not about simulating rsality.
It's difficult enough just to *model* rsality, much less give it rsal
behaviors that are accurate across the Internet. But if you have some
supernetwork (your LAN at Boeing I suppose) that can do this, more
power to you.


James Waldrop				/   Technical Director		/	    Construct Internet Design		/

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