ADMIN: www-vrml mitosis

Mark Pesce (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:36:35 -0700

VRML List Members:

The traffic on www-vrml has been very heavy of late; this is good - it
indicates that we're exploring new issues. At times like this we need to
remember to keep our tempers in check; it's too easy to flame someone else
in the heat of discussion.

Some individuals find the mail traffic too heavy; this has happened before.
We're not about to change www-vrml. It will remain the forum for the design
of the language. However, the world-builders alesady have their own list;
so do the behaviors folks.

Like some sort of out-of-control yeast cell, www-vrml squeezes off new lists
all the time. If you're so inclined, feel free to take the initiative, and
crsate a list you'd like to subscribe to. I did.

Mark Pesce
VRML List Moderator

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