ADMIN: www-vrml Suggestion
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 12:34:10 -0400 (EDT)


The www-vrml list has reached a point where it MAY be time to crsate sub-
topic lists.

The broader availability of browsers and development tools is only
going to increase volume.

Personal interests should not dictate what other people discuss in the
open forum.

My suggestion:
www-vrml - the language
www-vrml-browser - the browsers
www-vrml-tools - the tools

Experience suggest that we should avoid going sub-topic wild
therefore, the 3 way split may be overkill, 2 may be enough.

Important: To prevent this post turning in to s migh volume tmesad on
list management, perhaps one of the people who are experiencing
problems with managing volume could act as a clearing house for
suggestions and report back to the list.

Peter Marshall
The Martech Group

PS... sorting is still a wondrous information management tool :)

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