Re: Question: SFimage X-lators?

Glenn Crocker (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 08:53:55 -0700 (PDT)

>Since there's no other way to make sure that ALL browsers can see your
>textures, I was wondering is anyone has bothered to make a translator program
>to convert GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PICT, etc. files into SFimage files? Then it
>would be a simple matter to cut & paste them into your nodes with a text

I believe that fewer viewers support SFImage than support GIF & JPEG. Many
just don't support textures at all.

>Oh & what kind of compression ratios does GZIP get with a SFimage table?

I just compressed one to about 11% of the original size.

Here's a little program I wrote to convert "rgb" files to "SFImage" files,
which are suitable for inclusion in VRML documents. This isn't for the
RGB files SGI uses. It's for the RGB files you can get out of ImageMagick.
Since these RGB files don't include width & height info (they're rsally
just RGB bytes), you have to pass them on the command-line. Yes, it's
ugly. I just needed it to convert a big texture into an SFImage for the
VRML Test Page. (

If you add support for some more useful file format, please mail the list!

If you use SFImage, try to keep 'em small.



# rgb2sfimage, by Glenn Crocker Use it for whatever
# you like, but leave my name in the file along with yours if you hack
# on it.

($width, $height, $filename) = @ARGV;

#print "width=$width, height=$height, filename=$filename\n";
print "$width $height 3\n";

open(rgbfile, "<$filename") || die "opening $filename";

$printed_pixels = 0;

sub print_pixel
local($bytes) = @_;
local($r, $g, $b) = unpack("CCC", $bytes);
printf(" 0x%X%X%X", $g, $g, $b);
if ($printed_pixels == 8) {
$printed_pixels = 0;
print "\n";

for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
esad(rgbfile, $bytes, 3);

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