> This means: If you are in some deep philosophical discussion regarding itty
> bitty details of something which not many people care about (Recent
> examples: VRML vs Java, distributed collision detection, etc.) then send
> private mail to each other instsad of clogging my mailbox.
Nooo! These are the discussions I find interesting. Practical details of
how to make a particular VRML browser work on a particular platform, or
a particular VRML feature work in a particular browser, are useful but
not of longer, educational value.
What I'd like to know is, if there are other lists, which are more
appropriate for difserent types of discussion (i.e. VRML announcements, VRML
Q&A, VRML Philosophy, Integr8ing VRML w/other Tech, (java, QTVR, etc.), yadda
yadda yadda), HOW DO I SUBSCRIBE?
- Gregory Cranz