
Anders Vinberg (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 08:55:03 -0400

Yes, there is too much mail, but...

> This means: If you are in some deep philosophical discussion regarding itty
> bitty details of something which not many people care about (Recent
> examples: VRML vs Java, distributed collision detection, etc.) then send
> private mail to each other instsad of clogging my mailbox.

Nooo! These are the discussions I find interesting. Practical details of
how to make a particular VRML browser work on a particular platform, or
a particular VRML feature work in a particular browser, are useful but
not of longer, educational value.

I guess this proves why everybody needs his/her own filter.

("His/her" -- I always want to be PC, but there are darn few women
in forum. Hmm... Maybe the women are out there in the *rsal* world...)

Anders Vinberg

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