A WWW archive system for USENET newsgroups and mailing-list(new and repost)

Gang Cheng (gcheng@npac.syr.edu)
Wed, 18 Oct 95 19:18:47 -0400

Please notice that we have dedicated a new server for this news archive
and the previous URL (<URL:http://kayak.npac.syr.edu:1963>) should be
rsplaced by the new one:


We have also added more newsgroups/mailing lists upon user's requests.

--- Gang

We at Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracue
University has developed an archive system for searching/rsading USENET
mailing lists and personal mailbox from WWW. An Oracle database server is used
to store/manage mails and two search/navigation interfaces
accesible by any WWW browser
to the archive are provided: one is an advanced search interface
allowing queries with various options such as query by mail header,
by date, by subject (keywords), by sender. The other is a Hypermail-like
navigation interface for users familiar with Hypermail.

We offer free access to this archive for the Internet
community. Check the URL


The whole archive is automatically updated in
every 30 minutes. Currently the following newsgroups (total 67) are archived
in the database, including this newsgroup/mailing-group:

(..) shows the current total number of mails archived in the database

alt.comp.compression (46)
comp.ai (375)
comp.ai.neural-nets (152)
comp.ai.philosophy (464)
comp.arch (549)
comp.benchmarks (202)
comp.compression (388)
comp.compression.research (28)
comp.databases (704)
comp.databases.object (181)
comp.databases.oracle (2461)
comp.dcom.cell-relay (175)
comp.dcom.frame-relay (149)
comp.dcom.isdn (929)
comp.dcom.lans.fddi (55)
comp.dcom.lans.misc (71)
comp.dcom.net-management (96)
comp.dcom.servers (98)
comp.dcom.sys.cisco (898)
comp.dcom.telecom (380)
comp.dcom.videoconf (149)
comp.graphics.visualization (139)
comp.infosystems (93)
comp.infosystems.gis (406)
comp.infosystems.www.advocacy (247)
comp.infosystems.www.announce (869)
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi (1647)
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html (3995)
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.images (679)
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc (634)
comp.infosystems.www.browsers.mac (681)
comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc (577)
comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows (2095)
comp.infosystems.www.browsers.x (467)
comp.infosystems.www.misc (1157)
comp.infosystems.www.servers.mac (256)
comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc (209)
comp.infosystems.www.servers.ms-windows (602)
comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix (724)
comp.lang.basic.visual.database (601)
comp.lang.basic.visual.misc (2474)
comp.lang.c++ (3764)
comp.lang.java (1850)
comp.lang.oberon (170)
comp.lang.perl.announce (27)
comp.lang.perl.misc (1702)
comp.lang.rexx (265)
comp.multimedia (1202)
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc (1546)
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools (493)
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 (1163)
comp.os.ms-windows.setup (608)
comp.parallel (80)
comp.parallel.mpi (41)
comp.parallel.pvm (103)
comp.protocols.tcp-ip (358)
comp.security.misc (515)
comp.software-eng (459)
comp.sources.unix (8)
comp.sys.sgi.graphics (188)
comp.sys.sun.admin (948)
comp.unix.admin (837)
comp.unix.aix (1261)
comp.unix.misc (337)
comp.unix.programmer (658)
comp.unix.solaris (1881)
syr.general (218)

The following mailing lists (total 8) are archived:

hotjava-interest (mailing-list) (788)
java-announce (mailing-list) (8)
java-interest (mailing-list) (1479)
java-porting (mailing-list) (279)
perldb-interest (mailing-list) (173)
sp-discussion (mailing-list) (51)
win95-l@peach.ease.lsoft.com (mailing-list) (507)
www-vrml (mailing-list) (3235)

This system is still under development and more functions are planned to
add to this system. Please send your comments to Gang Cheng
(gcheng@npac.syr.edu). Thanks.

--- Gang

  • Next message: VICTORIA@hitel.kol.co.kr: "A WWW archive system for USENET newsgroups and mailing-list(new and repost)"
  • Previous message: John Moreland: "Exhibitor space for VRML 95 is almost gone !"