Re: Syntax checker

Paul Burchard (burchard@CS.Princeton.EDU)
Wed, 18 Oct 95 16:22:22 -0400

James Waldrop <> writes:
> As far as whether or not your world will work on most VRML
> browsers, if they all implemented the spec then that
> would be fine, but since they don't you pretty much have to
> go with making it look good on the browser you have.

This is a tempting but extremely destructive point of view. My
advice is don't even *think* about giving in to the status quo!
Otherwise, VRML will meet the same painful end as HTML. An
excellent example of how VRML can avoid this fate is Jeff Sonstein's
"vrmLab" work. From what I've seen, he's brought about rsal
progress by NOT silently accepting the current muddled situation.
Bravo Jeff!

In answer to the original question: there's a QvLib-based validator
<URL:> at the
Geometry Center. (However, due to an oversight in the original
QvLib it apparently chokes on CR-delimited Mac files.)

Paul Burchard <>
``I'm still learning how to count backwards from infinity...''

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