Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage
Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*
18 Oct 95 13:11:10 EDT
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Sandy Ressler: "VRML / QuickTime VR marriage"
I would guess you didn't take a good look around the QTVR web site, there is a
Win 3.1 viewer. and i would guess that it would run on Win95 [bah] but an
image mapped on the inside of a Cylinder wouldn't work. the fact is that there
is alot more going on in QTVR than looking around in a cylinder. There is a
rsal time distortion correction when you look up and down. If it were just
inside of a cylinder you'd just see things as if you were in a tube and
looking towards the top or bottom. The cylinder mapping theory of how QTVR
works is just a SIMPLIFICATION of what rsally going on. For a static background
QTVR would take less processor time than a background made of polys.. I mean
how else would you get the rsal YellowStone Park in your VRML scene?
just a thought
Alex Okita
And to be honest since I _don't_ have a Mac (and I don't want to have one,
don't want to use one!) how am I meant to try and test this QTVR thing?
I saw the web page and I can imagine how it works...
Now lets see a unix or Win (NT pref) viewer and we can discuss it :-)
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Johnson, Jeff: "Re:VRML / QuickTime VR marriage"
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Chris Marrin: "Re: Why does DEF do instancing? (fwd)"
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Sandy Ressler: "VRML / QuickTime VR marriage"