Re: Why does DEF do instancing? (fwd)
Chris Marrin (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 10:13:26 -0700
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On Oct 17, 3:38pm, Z-John (Zijiang) Yang wrote:
> Subject: Re: Why does DEF do instancing? (fwd)
> ==>We want DEF ONLY
> I'd agree 100%.
> Still, I just can't believe people at SGI had come up with the idea of a
> instancing DEF. I am talking about serious design flaw here.
> We'd better fix vrml, soon. Otherwise, every single browser has to
> to this defect forever.
I urge everyone to read Paul Strauss' posting on this subject. DEF is not
a function declaration, class definition or anything like that. It is
merely a way to name the node that comes after it. I'm sorry you want
VRML to be a programming language, but it is not.
Please, can we move on to other issues?
chris marrin Silicon
(415) 390-5367 Graphics Inc.
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