Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage

Vassilis Bourdakis (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 20:33:57 +0000

Alex Okita/UB Networks wrote:
> I feel everyone is still not keeping to the idea that QTVR and VRML can work
> TOGETHER. In every VRML scene there is a lack of background w/o a lot of polys
> way off in the distance. Like i said before if there were a QTVR background in
> the VRML browser. The background doesn't have to change all that much, so why
> not use QTVR? or when walking through a house you'd be able to see a rsally
> photorsalistic tree and a sky and a lawn etc. Traveling out of that room and
> into another could trigger the QTVR scene outside to change. Ofcourse QTVR
> can't be used everywhere, but there are a few instances where it can be used
> very effectively.
> Just a thought...
> Alex Okita

Nice thought Alex, but if we simply do a node that is either a sphere or
a cylinder or something combining the two and map the environment then
that is more or less all that I care. Don't think I need QTVR for it do I?

And to be honest since I _don't_ have a Mac (and I don't want to have one,
don't want to use one!) how am I meant to try and test this QTVR thing?
I saw the web page and I can imagine how it works...
Now lets see a unix or Win (NT pref) viewer and we can discuss it :-)


--- --- ---- ---- ----
Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis ---- ---- ----- -----
Tel +44 (0)1225 826475 CASA, Bath University

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