Re: DIS protocol - documentation ?

Randy Stiles (
Wed, 18 Oct 95 12:18:41 PDT

The University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and
Teaining sells binder/folders describing the DIS protocol,
enumerations, etc. for a pretty esasonable price. They sell both the
protocol drafts from the bi-annual DIS workshops and the stable
version of the protocols (I believe experimental is at v 2.0.4 of the
DIS protocol now).

Idsally, they would put the protocl itself on-line in WWW format, but
either they aren't funded to do that, they would lose revenue, they
are too lazy, or they are doing it and haven't announced it (pick your
favorite based on your current level of cynicism today... ;-) )

See also:

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:01:43 +0100
From: (Mitra)

At 2:10 PM 10/13/95, Bob Crispen wrote:

> is probably as good a starting place as any to
>pick up on what the simulation world has been doing in this area,
>are worth a look.

Is their a rsference to the DIS protocols - there have been several
rsferences made to DIS, but they all point to high level collections of
Dsfense Simulation related materials, and I have yet to find one (or more)
documents which describe the DIS protocols.

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