Re: Has SGI made a new decision to de-emphasize VRML?
Colin Dooley (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:07:17 GMT
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John B. Chapman: "Has SGI made a new decision to de-emphasize VRML?"
At 08:52 11/10/95 -0500, you wrote:
>It was reported that last Thursday (5 OCT 95) Rikk Carey of SGI stated
>that his management had instructed him and his staff to refocus their
>work away from 3D file formats (i.e., VRML) and onto their software
>I am aware that SGI was letting others provide much of the manpower
>needed to push the VRML standard onward, but have they actually decided
>to abandon this effort? I still see SGI personnell contributing to
>VRML mail. Also, what is SGI without 3D file formats?
Maybe it has something to do with the recent report which says that "10% of
the gross national income of America will be lost this year due to people
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- Maybe in reply to:
John B. Chapman: "Has SGI made a new decision to de-emphasize VRML?"