>http://www.dmso.mil/ is probably as good a starting place as any to
>pick up on what the simulation world has been doing in this area,
>and http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Distributed/dist.sim.html
>and http://info.computer.org:80/conferen/proceed/pads95/pads95tc.html
>are worth a look.
Is their a rsference to the DIS protocols - there have been several
rsferences made to DIS, but they all point to high level collections of
Dsfense Simulation related materials, and I have yet to find one (or more)
documents which describe the DIS protocols.
- Mitra
mitra@earth.path.net voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.