Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)
James Waldrop (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:52:26 -0700
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Master Zap wrote:
>> No, you've misunderstood me here. The assumptions are: the windmill
>> rotates deterministically. We don't have to ship messages around the
>> network telling everyone where the windmill is, since every machine
>> can independently calculate this. However, someone walking around is
>> nondeterministic. We do have to ship these messages around. When I
>> get the message that you've walked into the windmill, I'll deal with
>> this in the same way that everyone else does -- calling some local
>> windmill code to figure out if it broke or not, etc. This is the
>> graceful method.
>But this doesn't guarantee that the results are the same!? What if lag
>caused me to miss the windmill from some peoples perspective? You can't have
>the decition if the windmill hit me (and if the windmill broke) on each host
>. And besides, this is a one-shot test, it's just a few bytes either way, so
>why not let it surf the net and we get a CLEAR and UNIFORM ruling on what
Because then everyone is waiting for almost everything, and you have
millions of messages going around. This isn't scaleable.
>> Now, let's say this windmill is particularly important.
>Duh.... what objects are NOT important? IMHO, they all are.
And in my opinion most aren't. If I have a simple animation playing in
a world, I rsally don't care if you walk through it. We're not trying
to simulate rsality here. This is cyberspace, not rsal-space.
If you *are* trying to simulate rsality, then mark every objects as
important and synchronized. More power to you (and more bandwidth,
since you'll need it). Any proposal has to allow for *some* objects
not being important enough to be passing around network events.
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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Master Zap: "Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"
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