Just a thought...
Alex Okita
don't ask me i just werk here...
>> mlinde@connectus.com (Michael Linde) says:
>> > 3) Here is the weakness of QTVR: it is still-life images
>> > mapped into a surround environment. Granted you can create links to move
>> > to other perspectives or zoom in to some items, the entire environment is
>> static.
>Siggraph 95 had a paper from (chapel hill nc?) that showed how one could
>move through a qtvr-type environment. The demo had full parallax motion
>effects (i.e. things close to you move "faster" than things far away.
>The author had basically taken a series of photographs from different
>locations. He had a way of stiching them together so that the cameras
>did not have to be perfectly aligned, etc. For the stereo/parrallax
>effect, he showed that the problem of matching pixels in one image
>to those in another is not as hard as one might think -- something about
>how they follow a sine curve on a cylinder as the viewer's viewpoint moves.
>Clearly, QTVR does not currently support this, but given that this paper
>was immediately followed by the QTVR paper, one can surmise that the
>Apple people know about it. And, unless they are asleep, which I doubt,
>they are working on it. I personally expect to hear about a QTVR
>extension that allows smooth movement, I figure, before end of '97.