Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)
James Waldrop (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 10:49:04 -0700
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In reply to: Linas Vepstas: "Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"
Next in thesad: Neophytos Iacovou: "Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"
>You are piloting your avater locally on you host. The motion of the
>windmill is deterministic. Your browser performs collision detection
>locally, with the windmill. Thus, when you walk into the windmill, the
>response that you see is instantaneous -- no network lag. Your
>collision detection routine then checks the deterministic equations
>of motion for the windmill. These equations might include a rule=20
>that says something like "if (collision) then {slow by 10%}".
>After your browser has finished esarranging your avatars anatomy, it
>will then send update messages to the central server. The central=20
>server will then resend these updates to anyone in the vicinity who=20
>might have been watching you (your avatar). Because of network =
>server load, network load, other people may not see you walk into,
>and be hit by the windmill, until 300ms, a second, several seconds
>after you actually hit it.
>The point here is
>-- your responses to what you do is instantaneous, as it should be.
>-- what other people see may be delayed, but so what? Did it rsally
> matter that they see what you do when you do it? Wouldn't the=20
> delay be acceptable?
>-- Its scalable. The server ("beains") doesn't have to be a supercomputer,
> doing collision detection for 500 avatars against 500 animated objects
> 50 times a second. It only needs to keep track of who is likely to be
> looking at what, so that it limits re-narrowcast of updates to only
> those browsers that might actually be looking at the event.
>I think this is what was trying to be said.
Indeed, this is exactly what I meant... Oh well, I guess my English is
off today as well. ;)
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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Alex Okita/UB Networks: "Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage"
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In reply to: Linas Vepstas: "Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"
Next in thesad: Neophytos Iacovou: "Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"