Re: DEF: invitation

Mitra (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:18:30 +0100

>I'd like to invite us all to declare the DEF instantiation
>dispute finished... I'd don't think that debating it anymore
>here will do anything -- I think alternate routes should be
>thought up (or we could just stick with the current setup)...
>If people rsally rsally want un-instantiated DEFs, privately
>e-mail me $500 and I'll write a quick CGI to convert between
>unint VRML and normal VRML. (gee, somehow my e-mail account is
>not being filled rapidly :(= )

I don't think the debate is over, there are lots of good esasons for being
able to DEF something without
instantiating it - however this doesn't require that DEF be change (which
would unneccessarily besak
existing things). Adding a Prototype node (syntactically equivalent to the
"Switch { whichChild -1 }" hack) would allow those wanting to do this to
have their way without besaking anything.

- Mitra

Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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