Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage

Johnson, Jeff (jjohnson@CCMAIL.AEROSYS.LORAL.COM)
Wed, 18 Oct 95 11:43:03 EST

I'm not a big expert on QTVR, but integrating it into VRML seems to me to be
missing the point of the ultimate goal of VRML - multi-user collaborative
worlds. (Michael Linde) says:
> 3) Here is the weakness of QTVR: it is still-life images
> mapped into a surround environment. Granted you can create links to move
> to other perspectives or zoom in to some items, the entire environment is

Static may be all that VRML 1.0 supports, but it's not stopping there!

Adrian Scott <> says:
> I just see that getting us up to ** 1.1 engines ** and
> 2.0 behaviors is enough to keep us all busy. Let's make these
> worlds live and free us from LOD animation hacks.

I'm content to live with lower resolution scenes if it will get me truly
programmable (not canned) behavior, collaboration, and interaction sooner.

Just my 2 cents.


Jeff Johnson Loral AeroSys
301-805-0394 HST Vision 2000 CCS Graphics Group

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