A little bird told me that 3D-studio will contain behaviour....

Master Zap (zap@lysator.liu.se)
Wed, 18 Oct 95 12:54:12 -0500

-- [ From: Master Zap * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

...well, the subject line says it all.

Next major release of 3D studio will have some kind of behaviour engine in
it, i.e. you can define falling objects, wind, e.t.c. and whatnot.

I don't think this have any influence on our work here, but I though it
might be fun to know....


Hakan "Zap" Andersson | http://www.lysator.liu.se/~zap | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B
Job:  GCS Scandinavia | Fax:   +46 16 96014            | A: 42
zap@lysator.liu.se    | Voice: +46 16 96460            | "Whirled Psas"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a speeding truck full of DAT tapes.

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