> Hi Gavin,
> First, apologies,
The first clue that he wasn't really sorry
> ... Some more DEF'ing
> >By the way, this statement:
> >
> >> Having actually written high-performance 3D object management
> >> systems, I find that an instancing DEF is nasty.
> >
> >really annoys me. I don't usually respond to flame-bait, but: Inventor is
> >probably the most successful object-oriented 3D graphics system yet written
> >(of course, Inventor doesn't have a whole lot of competetition...). Were any
> >of the 3D object management systems you wrote actually shipped to any
> >customers?
> I am sorry that saying "I'm a pro, I've done this before" annoys you.
> What annoys me is people who equate commercial succes with technical
> excellence. You work for a visionary company that actually funded
> the development, and funded a marketing branch, took you to siggraph,
> and paid millions in salaries to developers, and got addison wesley
> books done, popularized 3D as the future of computing, and now you tell
> me that because of this, Inventor is technically superior ?
Hmmm, ashame the customer has to have the last word. I sure am tired
of big deep pocketed evil empires throwing money at a bunch of dorks
thus assuring them (the dorks) of success.
> Suppose you developed Inventor at, I dunno, Tektronix, Bull, Wang,
> Sun, Kubota, Portable, whatever, and they ran out of money, pulled
> the plug, etc. Or maybe actually completed building it, but failed
> to market it -- didn't go to siggraph, didn't buy ads in the trade
> rags, forgot to send out press releases ... whatever. I don't see
> what product success has to do with technical excellence, or with
> the experience (or lack thereof) of its creators.
All these folks create 'technical excellence' that the customer won't
buy, kind of makes you a little bitter eh linas?
In the spirit of 'Bull Durham' let tell y'all what I believe:
"I believe in the regex global replace *.c that works the first time."
"I believe in T3."
"I believe that the Web is the most exciting thing to happen since
Popular Mechanics ran the Altair kit ad."
"I believe that the only esason for more MIPS is so I can compile
"I believe that the last examples of technical excellence where when
Bill Wilkinson created a complete Basic that fit on a 4k ROM cartridge
and when my wife gave birth to our 5th child."
"I believe that VRML by way of its heritage is a scene description
"I believe in syntax that I can remember in the morning."
"I believe that my ability to continue to stuff for my customers that
gives me a 'large hard one', he largely in the hands of these folks
here and I feel pretty good about the way they're doing it."
"I believe I don't like the tone of your last two paragraphs but then
you might have alesady figured that out."
"I believe my WebSpace 1.1 download and install is finished.-- so
good night "
Peter Marshall
The Martech Group