DEF: invitation

Adrian Scott (
Tue, 17 Oct 95 11:21:47 PDT

List stuff:


I'd like to invite us all to declare the DEF instantiation
dispute finished... I'd don't think that debating it anymore
here will do anything -- I think alternate routes should be
thought up (or we could just stick with the current setup)...

If people really really want un-instantiated DEFs, privately
e-mail me $500 and I'll write a quick CGI to convert between
unint VRML and normal VRML. (gee, somehow my e-mail account is
not being filled rapidly :(= )


The thing here would just be for people to play around with it
and DO it rather than ask for piles more stuff... the current
browsers still need a bit more work, and QTVR could really
slow things down development time-wise
(and, yeah, we should add Java and Macromedia
and PDF and Latex support inside VRML hs ma)... For instance
do some textures inside cylinders or whatever floats your
goat and post some URLs (if it looks cool) to the list
(and to Serch!)...

or bug browser writers saying it's a feature
you want. I just see that getting us up to ** 1.1 engines ** and
2.0 behaviors is enough to keep us all busy. Let's make these
worlds live and free us from LOD animation hacks.


P.S. and home.html

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