[VIEWERS] Screen shots et. al. needed

Frank Boosman (frank.boosman@virtus.com)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 09:31:05 -0400

Do you or your company offer a VRML viewer for any platform? If so, esad on
to see how you can obtain some free publicity.

This December, Virtus Corporation and Hayden Books will be releasing _The
Virtus VRML Toolkit_, featuring Virtus VRml, our new drag-and-drop VRML
authoring package for Macintosh and Windows.

We are but a week or so from finalizing the book and preparing to go to
press, and the book looks great. For our chapter on other VRML viewers,
though, we'd like to obtain more high-quality screen shots than we
currently have. Other information, such as text descriptions, would also be

This is a no-strings-attached deal. We are not requesting any compensation
of any kind.

To supply information for this chapter, contact Alan Scott, Product Manager
at Virtus Corporation. Alan can be reached at:

919 467-9700 x31

Thanks, and look for the book--and Virtus VRml--this December.

-- Frank

Frank Boosman | Cary, NC USA | frank.boosman@virtus.com
Virtus Corporation | http://www.virtus.com | 919 467-9700 x18

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