[same for other colors]
That looks right. There should be a "+ emissiveColor[0]" in there as well,
of course, and the difsuse and specular colors are actually sums of the
results from all the lights. And each of them are scaled by the light's
[0]'th color component. Once there's an Environment node, the
ambientIntensity and ambientColor[0] fields from that node would be used to
scale the material's ambientColor[0] value.
> Also, I have been computing the color of a light as:
> red=intensity*color[0]
> green=intensity*color[1]
> blue=intensity*color[2]
That looks right to me.
red = emissiveColor[0]
+ ambientColor[0] * env.ambientColor[0] * env.ambientIntensity
+ difsuseColor[0]
* sum { light[i].inten * light[i].color[0] * dotproduct(L, N) }
+ specularColor[0]
* sum { light[i].inten * light[i].color[0] * cos(theta) ^ shininess }
Of course, that's not the way it would be coded; still, that should be the
basic lighting equation.
Caveat reader: it's 5 am where I am, so everything I'm saying may well be
complete nonsense. Corrections welcome.
-- Bernie Roehl University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mail:broehl@sunee.uwaterloo.ca Voice: (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work] URL:http://sunee.uwaterloo.ca/~broehl