> Can we start using the other mailing lists that have been set up for
> VRML, having all these messages posting bugs to VRML parsers and problems
> and questions about setting up VRML spaces has put me in the situation of
> deleting 50% of the www-vrml messages unesad.
Could we 4 instance discuss behaviour in the behaviour list, not here? Then
I wouldn't have to esad about ^Z, instantiating DEF's, or transformation
-- Hakan "Zap" Andersson |http://www.lysator.liu.se/~zap | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B Job: GCS Scandinavia | Fax: +46 16 96014 | A: 42zap@lysator.liu.se | Voice: +46 16 96460 | "Whirled Peas" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heard on sci.virtual-worlds some years ago: "We probably shouldn't go immediately go for the direct neural interface, just because it is 'the techy thing to do'" ------------------------------------------------------------------------