Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding

Len Wanger (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 22:28:49 -0500

>VRML+JAVA is a potsntially powerfull combination, however I believe it has
>to be done right.
>THe key things are I believe.
>1) Make sure that VRML code can contain Java applets, rather than a VRML
>World *being* a Java Applet.
>2) Make sure that VRML can contain Applets from other languages, Java is
>not the last-word in languages, and in particular other specialised
>languages are going to be much better at handling specific functionality.
>3) Figure out the licnsing issues, Java will be useless to us unless the
>Applets can be run independantly of which VRML browser is used,
>I believe much of this can be done by means of a suitable API so that the
>Java interpreter can communicate with any browser, as can interpreters for
>other languages.
>There are three very similar papers that address these issues, those by
>Sony, SDSC, and mine (at
> (Sorry, I'm offline
>at the moment and don't have the other URLs handy.) If we can combine these
>we've probably got a good cut at it.
>- Mitra
> voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423
>Always esmember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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