Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage

Michael Linde (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:55:31 -0700

As a Mac primary user and designer, I would like to clear up a
couple of items involving QTVR

1) QTVR can be used with 3D generated scenes to make
movies, so surreal landscapes and such (including space stations) can be
modeled into a QTVR movie
2)With the inclusion of "hot spot" links (and a little
tweaking of the code) you should be able to create url links inside a QTVR
3) Here is the weakness of QTVR: it is still-life images
mapped into a surround environment. Granted you can create links to move
to other perspectives or zoom in to some items, the entire environment is

If the VRML group is interested in adding QTVR to VRML or creating
some sort of merged technology, this could solve the problems in #3, but I
imagine since so many people have problems simply porting browsers to the
mac platform, creating a convergent spec with workable code is unlikely
without some input and assistance. Although it's a neat idea,
VRML/QTVR marriage is at best going to be a late bloomer


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