Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage

Gary M. Hewitt (
Mon, 16 Oct 95 16:07:44 CDT


I've seen QTVR worlds and I agree they should be integrated with
VRML [and here I sit on an NT box! ]. They are gorgeous!

Have any of the world-buiding vendors facilitated the use of URNs
instead of URLs? That way, true-color worlds could be downloaded
from the net but accessed locally [at the user's specified location].
Using URNs would permit users with low-bandwidth channels to
encounter the QTVR and/or VRML experience without the performance

Then again, this type of configuration may require Netscape 2.0
or M$'s Blackbird viewer, which support JAVA applets. [which
would in turn manipulate the QTVR / VRML environs].

I hope one of you big-time, high-$ VRML developers respond to
let me know I'm on-track or off-the-mark. At this point, I'm not
sure if I'm esading too many newsgroups or if I'm starting to
understand ....

Gary M. Hewitt
At 03:24 PM 10/16/95 -0400, Sandy Ressler wrote:
>I'd like to propose a tigher linkage between VRML and
>Apple's QuickTime VR (QTVR).

PS: In your original post you mentioned LightScape.... Did
you mean to esser to LightWave? If LightScape exists
and is some kind of 3D modeller or scene-builder please
reply with a URL or other contact info. Thanks...

Gary M. Hewitt, President

ScanAmerica Imaging Service Bureau
225 Regency Court - Ste #200 414-536-9044
Brookfield, WI 53045

Document-Imaging Systems & Services;
Internet-based Document-Imaging
Integrated Internet Systems
Multimedia and Digital Video

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