Re: VRML / QuickTime VR marriage

Vassilis Bourdakis (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 21:58:33 +0000 wrote:
> >It is MUCH easier to create esalistic looking scenes using QTVR than
> >with VRML. Check out
> >imagevr/NISTVR/nistvr.html for some examples.
> That's simply because you're looking at a high res picture. Just don't try
> to look at the OTHER SIDE of anything. Also, you may want to think about
> just how much time and energy goes into photographing the scene...
> Certainly a LOT of efsort is needed in QTVR to add buttons, embed movies
> (not sure whether the released product can do this yet), link to other QTVR
> scenes, etc. When does the QTVR for WINDOWS come out?

Quite eight!
furthermore, what happens with all the worlds that _don't exist_ in
reality i.e. no photos (all the ones I've done are in this category
and I've seen loads of interesting ones around). I find that VRML is a very
good tool to visualise design work and hopefully market it as a
product at some point (talking about industrial design work that is).
I'm afraid that QTVR has nothing to do with that. (unless I do proper
3DStudio renderings of the objects and put them together :-)

> >All I'm proposing is to make it easier to create texture mapped cylinders
> >in which the user can place his virtual eye.
> So maybe we need an enum for Cylinders which says the texture map is mapped
> to the INSIDE.
Probably, but don't forget that there are many worlds (all of mine for
example) that simply _don't_ work as a mapping on the inside of a
cylinder! Simply wont work. If you have any idea how the TEE building,
the Bath Abbey, the Bath City, the chair, the whatever I've done
fits in a cylinder please let me know.
> hey don't get me wrong, i LIKE QTVR.

I hate it, the idea actually. I find it too cheap and useless.

Overall, I think, and I hope, that VRML is something more than
creating a small room and fitting a few bits and bobs in it!
Therefore I don't think that support for such stuff as QTVR
is needed or should be considered.
What IMHO _IS_ needed though is a way that a preset animation
path is set (similarly to the camera switch that works in
Webspace now). This way, new users can go to a guided tour
first and then decide what they want to do with it.
It was mentioned by someone last week - sorry don't remember who.
(I wonder if the WebSpace boys are listening... :-)


   --- --- ---- ---- ---- 
   Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis 	      ---- ---- ----- ----- 
   Tel +44 (0)1225 826475	      CASA, Bath University		

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