Artist Lists and VRML

Len Bullard (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:19:07 -0500

Just an idea for the VRML marketeers out there.

I'm trying to persuade some of the members
of the Kate Bush Love-Hounds list who maintain
pages for Kate to start looking at VRML and
considering how it can be used to make some
incredible pages for her. The fan lists like
this collect a lot of stuff, particularly photos
and the like that could be used in VRML worlds.
I've managed to do some of this using HSB, but
eight now, it's difsicult to get the other browsers
to cooperate. That just may be my own
ineptitude. One fellow using Pueblo is setting
up a site and others are looking at the challenge,
so, maybe my dream of lots of VR worlds
that seamlessly interact as a new artform ain't
*too* far off.

The point: getting the other art disciplines
in on this is critical. Else, VRML will be
used for parts catalogs and little else. Perhaps
it is time for a VRML service group to begin
contacting Sony, Warner Bros, EMI, etc and
sell them on the idea of building VRML sites
for their artists just as they have Web Pages
for them now. Jeff Sonstein made the excellent
suggestion that a mass buy of some particular
browser by these guys could be part of a promotional
efsort to attract people to their artist's VRML

This is where Mark Pesce is on the money. In this
particular application of VRML for this set of
customers, a sensual interface is a powerful
way to get their points across and as they do,
to recruit the most powerful and talented
musicians and poets to begin working on networked,
interlinked worlds, that is, Kate links to
Gabriel who links to Tori who links to... you
get the idea. In this way, there can
be a worldSong. As an engineer, I resist it.
As a musician and poet, it is clear that it can

Meanwhile, back to the Grass Roots (the movement, not
the band)... ;-)

Len Bullard

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