Re: VRML news
Kouichi Matsuda (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:36:28 +0900
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In reply to: Johan Sosa: "VRML news"
> Hey,
> I am going to start a VRML news page on the WWW. If anyone has
> anything they would like for me to list in there please contact me.
> I plan to have it up by the 15th. I want to include such things as
> upcoming VRML events/happenings, information on upcoming browsers
> and stuff about the proposed changes/additions to VRML 1.0.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> thanks..
> Johan Sosa
Could you check out our VRML-related pages?
(1) Extension to VRML 1.0 (v 1.2) (updated 05/10/1995)
(2) An O-O perspective on VRML
(3) Comments on World's Inc behaviour and sensor/trigger proposals.
(4) 'Technical issues in the design of a scaleble shared virtual world.
(5) Cyber Passage
Thank you.
Kouichi Matsuda(Kou1 Ma2da) Sony Computer Science Laboratory
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Paul Burchard: "Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"
Previous message: Marc de Groot: "Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"
In reply to: Johan Sosa: "VRML news"