There are a number of things that can go wrong with this seemingly simple
process, especially in the somewhat uncharted waters of Win95. Since you
apparently did not get the "helper app not found" message from Netscape,
it's likely that WebSpace attempted to execute but could not find a DLL it
needed. Make sure you specified the full pathname for WebSpace when you
configured it as a helper app.
Also, following the new Win95 conventions, WebSpace puts the "system" DLLs
it needs (actually MSVC++/OLE/etc runtimes) in the "System" subdirectory
under the WebSpace installation. The setup program puts info in the registry
that allows Win95 to find them when WebSpace executes. This seems to work
fine *except* when WebSpace is executed from Netscape. We don't know why
yet, but we know that adding the WebSpace "System" subdirectory to your PATH
works. The setup program asks you for permission to do this. Please check
that it succeeded. Alternatively you can go back to the "old way" and just
copy those DLLs into the WebSpace "Program" subdirectory (where the .exe
file lives)... :-)
Finally, as a temporary expedient you can start Netscape and start WebSpace
"manually" (ie. by double clicking its icon) before downloading VRML files.
When WebSpace starts up it begins the DDE dance with Netscape and everything
should work smoothly from that point.
FYI, you may get faster and more detailed responses by sending (non-SGI)
WebSpace questions directly to TGS at: