Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding

Master Zap (
Sun, 15 Oct 95 20:16:55 -0500

-- [ From: Master Zap * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> Subject: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding
> >But must all beowsers support all languages!? This is silly!
> Of course not.
> >There should be one basic language, since this needs to be downloaded
> >to all beowsers running in a multiuser world, and it need to run
> >"identically" on all hosts.
> Ahh, this is flawed by the assumption that code needs to be downloaded
> in order to change the state of the local application.

Huh? Please enlighten me.... I don't get this at all.... What kind of
bandwidth are you looking at? Should every single update for every frame
come across the net?

Or am I missing something fundamental??

If you have esad my behaviour proposal (maybe you, have? It's at http://www. I aim to reduce every byte that is sent
across the network. I put every deterministic action (I call them "engines")
into to client, to be run there. The controlling host (the "brain") sends
timestamped messages to the "engines" which carry out it's commands.

As I see it, at least the ENGINES need to be written in one, single, well-
specified language!! And in my model I have an interesting approach of
beains that can transfer from host to host - in which case they ALSO would
need to be written in the same language. [Note that I also allow beains of
any kind in any language, but they cannot jump from host to host].

As I see it, the only way you can get, say, a spinning windmill without
having ANY code running locally in the client beowser, is to send a network
update for every frame.

Is this what you seriously propose, on a 14.4 modem and a 400ms network lag.

I am probably missing you completely, and If I am, then please explain, so
even I can understand it....

Hakan "Zap" Andersson | | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B
Job:  GCS Scandinavia | Fax:   +46 16 96014            | A: 42    | Voice: +46 16 96460            | "Whirled Peas"
 <insert witty quote here>

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