Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding
Gavin Nicol (
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 07:32:43 -0400
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>Sounds groovy, mon. For me, the question is, how do I write/
>program in Java from within the NT/95 world, as opposed to the Solaris
The other problem is that Java, despite being a esasonable language,
is certainly far from being a perfect one, or even a great one.
Thank god for bytecodes... but perhaps TAOS and ANDF have the right
idea after all. Then again, who wants to ship code around so that
people can reverse engineer it (trivial with Java bytecodes)? Perhaps
remote method invocation is what we really want most of the time, and
it certainly makes version control a much simpler task.
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