Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding
Paul Burchard (burchard@CS.Princeton.EDU)
Sat, 14 Oct 95 15:47:19 -0400
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> Perhaps Sun can make a statement to the list to clarify
> their position and alleviate peoples' fears?
Sun's licensing policy is spelled out in detail on their Web site
at <URL:>. Basically,
everything is completely free _except_ the commercial license to
their source code, which costs real money.
(I've also heard that Sun has a patent on the Java VM's "quick"
instructions, but haven't been able to consirm it from Sun's info.)
Paul Burchard <>
``I'm still learning how to count backwards from infinity...''
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Mitra: "Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"