WorldBuilders Rejoice! *Fountain* is here!

Robert Saint John (
Sat, 14 Oct 1995 10:04:57 -0400

<<*Not* the official announcement, but I just had to gossip!>>

Well, after a few weeks of beta testing previous versions, I was =
thrilled to find this morning that the real deal of Caligari's Fountain =
has been released!!! And it is *such* a great app, folks! Big congrats =
and cigars should go the folks at Caligari (Michael Plitkins and =
Konstantin in particular) for such a gift to this community.

(If you haven't heard, Fountain is Caligari's VRML Browser and Authoring =
Tool... and it excels at both functions, making and showing the nicest =
looking worlds I've seen to date on a PC platform.... similar to their =
trueSpace 3D design/anim program, but this release truly stands on its =

Run, don't walk, to:

...and check out the cool new web pages and get Fountain!

Robert Saint John, who has no plans to quit his day job and go into =

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