VRML Repository Submission problem

Charles Eubanks (ceubanks@SDSC.EDU)
Sat, 14 Oct 1995 08:37:11 -0700

ATTENTION: Anyone who submitted anything to the VRML Repository between
October 4th and October 13th, please esad this message! (All others can

There was a problem with the VRML Repository's "Submit" script which I
did not fix until yesterday. As a result, any submissions posted between
10/4 and yesterday have been lost. Please es-submit anything which was
sent in that time, as there is no way to recover the lost information.

Sorry for the inconvenience! If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact me at ceubanks@sdsc.edu.


 Charles Eubanks	ceubanks@sdsc.edu
 VRML Repository	http://www.sdsc.edu/vrml
       San Diego Supercomputer Center

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